This One’s For Him – A Tribute to Guy Clark has gotten amazing reviews!

“This is a record Guy Clark can surely be proud to have as a tribute. ” – Martin Chilton, The Telegraph (UK)
“Most of the artists hit the precarious balance between honoring the original work and making it their own.” – Meredith Ochs, NPR’s All Things Considered
“Taking nothing away from the earnestness of the performances, a listener is forgiven for seeking out the originals to hear the master at work. The relationship of writer and words, in this case, cannot be any more intimate.” – Texas Music Magazine
“With excellent performances throughout of Guy Clark’s brilliant compositions, the 30 tracks on this impressive collection should indeed satisfy Crowell’s stated goal to make Clark proud.” – Robert Wooldridge, Country Standard Time
“Every performance on This One’s For Him is a showpiece for both the performers and the song.” – Steven Stone, Audiophile Review
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